Marketing Analytics Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio!

In today’s data-driven world, understanding and leveraging data is essential for making informed marketing decisions. In my marketing analytics portfolio, you’ll find a collection of projects showcasing my expertise in marketing analytics. From analysing customer behaviour to optimizing advertising campaigns, each project demonstrates my approach to utilizing various analytical tools and techniques to solve real-world marketing challenges.

The marketing analytics portfolio contains two sections: one section is dedicated to data insights another section showcases some PPC Case Studies.


Data Insights

This section contains portfolio of marketing analytics techniques such as customer segmentation and media mix modelling.

Marketing Analytics

Customer Segmentation with K-Means

K-Means clustering of store data and exploratory data analysis with Python.

Marketing Analytics

RFM Analysis

RFM  is a well-established analytics technique designed for behaviour-driven customer segmentation.

Super Store Sales Dashboard

Marketing Analytics

Tableau Dashboard: Super Store Sales

Super Store sales dashboard shows major KPIs, sales by month, product and region and allows filtering.


PPC Case Studies

This section contains paid media optimisation results  for various industries such as Financial Services, Insurance, Education and eCommerce.

Paid Media Optimisation

Financial Services

Conversions went up by 39%

Paid Media Optimisation


Lead quality (lead-to-sale conversion rate) was improved by 40%

Paid Media Optimisation


Saved 10% of the yearly budget

Paid Media Optimisation


25% increase in ROAS with 33% increase in revenue